Monday, October 15, 2012

MRAs and the MRM: its all in my mind!

Fidelbogen is one of the wackiest craziest guys I know!  Here is twat he wrote about me: appropriately written in sweet-pink:

notanmra: Your obsession with "MRA" and "MRM" is totally misplaced.

These things are fictional constructs of your mind, and nothing more.

You are very much like a feminist in that way.

So: all those blogs and people writing mindless rehashings of feminazi tripe: WHO CLEARLY CALL THEMSELVES THESE THINGS: are all my imagination.

I tell you: I never laughed so hard in my life.  I was drinking my morning gin getting ready to count beans: and I spit it out all over the company computer.

Fidelbogen: one wild and crazy guy!

And oh yeah: I am the one who is like the feminists.

Well fidelbogen sir: this blog is going to dedicate itself to digging up old feminist essays: you will see just how wrong you are.  It is the MRAs and the MRM that are like the feminists: I suspect you already know this though: and are scared of what I am going to reveal.

Did you know that Andrea Dworkin's admittedly FAGGOT husband wrote about how "men think with their dicks"?

And: so did Darth Elam.

Read the shit at the top of this blog: the MRM exists: it is fourth wave feminism.

Fidelbogen: I gotta love you: you are one crazy bastard!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Spot on Again...

"This is why the so-called Men’s Rights movement is not so much a rights movement as a take-away-other-people’s-rights movement."

Words more true were never typed.

That came from David Futrelle. I would trust him to be in charge of men and their rights before I'd trust any Mentally Retarded Asswipe.

Don't believe me?

Check out this video from John the Other: a well known butt-buddy of Darth Elam. Yes: John the Mother is fighting for your right to NOT be religious:


He is fighting against the Christian religion: just like the feminists from days of old did.

Attention to my 3 serious followers: I am digging up old feminist essays: and I will be comparing them to modern day Mentally Retarded Asswipe essays.  You will find that the similarities are shocking: especially since none of you have brains.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Manboobz: More in the Corner of Boys than Mentally Retarded Asswipes (MRA's)

Any spinached chin old fart that suggests that 14 year old boys are somehow capable of seducing them is with no doubt: a complete faggot.

It turns out: that David Futrelle actually caught a comment by such a faggot and posted about it on his shit hole of a blog.

In it: he sites an interview with Father Benedict Groeschel:
Father Benedict Groeschel actually said some very inflammatory things.  Some examples include:

Referring to Jerry Sandusky as "That poor guy": poor referring to being caught.

He also claims that young boys will often seek a father figure if they did not have one of their own: which leads to kissing and hugging: and eventually it goes to far or something like that.

Can any Mentally Retarded Asswipes call this man any of the following:

White Knight
Pussy Beggar
Vagina Worshipper
Alpha Thug

Of course not.  Mentally Retarded Asswipes (MRA's) only bash heterosexual men: something that the FAGGOT in the picture above is clearly NOT.

As for the altar boys that has their asses raped by some spinached chin faggot: according to the Mental Retard Movement (MRM), the only important thing is that those boys not be circumcised (the bible instructs that infant boys be circumcised).  We all know how bad circumcision is: after all: only the patriarchal religions practice it: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Just as the feminazi's were trying to rid the world of those patriarchal religions: so is the Mental Retard Movement (MRM).

By all means: do not take my word for it: Just watch John the Mother Fucker on YouTube, or that dike-looking bitch Girls Writes Twat.

The MRM is fourth wave feminism.  All the same goals and ambitions as the previous three waves.

One of those goals is to destroy the patriarchal religions.

I do not know why they even bother: with faggots like the one above running those religions: they are doomed anyway.