Saturday, February 9, 2013

The MRM (Mental Retard Movement) and "Traditionalism"

Traditionalism does not exist.

It exists only in the minds of those who speak of it: and takes the form of whatever academic (i.e. non-realistic, hypothetical, sponge-headed, reclusive and isolated) stance the writer or speaker wishes.

I offer an example for your mind: Feminists believed that "Traditionalism" was women being hand-cuffed to stoves: not being allowed to have jobs: not being allowed to vote: not being allowed to own land.

All of those are false.

Notice now: that the "head cheeses" in the MRM (Mental Retard Movement) have defined "traditionalism" using their own empty-headed philosophies.

To them: it is near kindred to what the feminists thought: only it casts men into the role of perpetual victim instead of women.

Yes: there can be no denying this: the MRM (Mental Retard Movement) hates "traditionalism".

OK: you are right: and I am wrong: the MRM (Mental Retard Movement) does not hate "traditionalism": just as feminists do not hate rape.  The dark fact is: they love it.

Without "traditionalism": the MRM (Mental Retard Movement) would have no excuse to bash right wing politics: just like the feminazi's did.  The feminazi's love rape: because without it: they cannot bash men and cast themselves as victims: they love domestic violence for the same reasons.

I'll give these morons credit where credit is due: they get to kill two birds with one stone: they suggest that "traditionalism" was bad for men: and that only "right-wing" people: or conservatives: actually uphold it.


Men and Women on both sides of the political spectrum support "traditionalism".  This is because there is no such thing.  "Traditionalism" takes whatever form the speaker or writer wishes it to take.

Therefore: a feminist will hate "traditionalism" because they believe it meant women being chained to stoves while somebody who has a more "romanticized" cerebration of it will be a rabid supporter of it.

A Mentally Retarded Asswipe will hate "traditionalism" because they have read essay after essay in the "man-o-sphere" claiming it is a bad thing: and only "conservatives" (i.e. right-wing people: republicans) actually support it.

So: we see a repeated theme in the Mental Retard Movement:

"Traditionalism" is bad.
Conservatives are bad for supporting it.

Feminists were EXACTLY the same way: they hated "conservatism" because of "traditionalism".  Their definition of traditionalism was based on their own HER-story revisions of it.  We now see the same thing happening in the MRM: a hatred of "conservatism" or right-wing politics (i.e. republicans) because of "traditionalism": something that is ill defined in 500+ word essays I'd like to wipe my ass with.

The whole thesis of my blog: the MRM is 4th wave feminism.

Every essay that appears in the man-o-sphere re-enforces this: Fidelbogus, Darth Elam, and many other "head cheeses" have all bashed traditionalism and right-wing politics.  This is exactly what the feminists did.

I am glad I am not into taking "red pills": otherwise: I'd be running around: pretending to be against feminism: while my every word and action would simply reinforce the fact that I was a feminist.

I offer this link to a book written by two authors from the MuffingtonBoast.

My message to anybody calling themself an MRA:

Try thinking for yourself: instead of letting pill-popping morons do it for you.

ALSO: it is my understanding that over at the Death Star (avfm), many of the writers are now admitted lesbians who were sexually traumatized at a young age (something that looks like a girl writes squat, and typhon blue: just to name two).

You idiots in the MRM need to wake up and realize what has happened to you:  you are now supporters of feminism: and you are being led by the same queer bitches that led feminism.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

More Feminist Bullshit

It has been brought to my attention: that more and more key players in the MRM hoax are simply rehashing feminist ideals and philosophies.

excessive praise of left wing politics.
antagonizing of right wing politics.
excessive praise of gay men.
antagonizing straight men.
antagonizing patriarchal religions.
excessive praise of atheism.
hatred of traditionalism: more specifically: to bash right wing politics or religion: funny isn't it: how people who were not alive many years ago know exactly what life was like so many years ago.

I am gathering clips and essays: the list is overwhelming.

Any MRA reading this will probably say to their self: gee, he is lying: he is making this up: or worse: they will openly admit that feminists (man-haters) were correct about many things.

To those who doubt I say this: open wide: I am going to shove a truck load of feminism and MRAism right down your throat in the near future: and you will not notice a difference in the flavor.

To those who support feminism: which most MRAs do: they just do not realize it: because they equate traditionalism with feminism: you are no friend of men: you are a friend of male hatred.